Anna FASSA, née Krejci, was born January 15, 1878 in the Liefering district of the city of Salzburg. A Catholic, she was married to the commercial painter Anton FASSA (who died in February 1919) and had two children.

The younger daughter Antonia died at age 22, after the birth of her first child in November 1919. The elder daughter Anna died at age 26 after the birth of her third child in July 1921.

The Fassa family had lived at 8 Steinbruchstrasse in Salzburg (which they owned) since 1901. In 1936 Mrs. Fassa was declared legally incompetent and in 1937 she was admitted to the provincial mental hospital Salzburg-Lehen. On April 18, 1941 she was deported to Hartheim and murdered there.

Author: Andrea Strixner
Translation: Stan Nadel

Stumbling Stone
Laid 21.07.2010 at Salzburg, Steinbruchstraße 8

<p>HIER WOHNTE<br />
JG. 1878<br />
DEPORTIERT 1941<br />
ERMORDET 1941</p>
Photo: Gert Kerschbaumer

All stumbling stones at Steinbruchstraße 8