Elfriede SCHLAGER was born in Salzburg on October 12, 1930 and was baptized in the Roman Catholic Church. She was the only child of a plumber named Johann Schlager and his wife Berta.
The family had local citizenship rights in Salzburg and lived in an outbuilding by the former archiepiscopal pond at 36 Fürbergstraße in the Parsch neighborhood of Salzburg.

Their family life there didn’t last long however as Elfriede’s parents separated in 1933 and divorced soon afterwards. Elfriede’s father stayed in Salzburg and remarried later.

At first Elfriede lived with her mother in Hötting (near Innsbruck in Tyrol), but later when the Nazis ruled Austria she was in care in the Sisters of Mercy institution Mils (near Hall in Tyrol).

On December 10, 1940 67 patients were deported from the Sisters of Mercy run St. Josef’s Home in Mils to the extermination center in Hartheim Castle near Linz where they were all murdered, including the 10 year old Elfriede SCHLAGER.

Elfriede’s mother returned to Salzburg and died here in 1959.


  • Upper Austria State Archives Hartheim Memorial Victims-Databank
  • Parish registers of the Salzburg Archdiocese
  • Police registration files of the City of Salzburg
Author: Gert Kerschbaumer
Translation: Stan Nadel

Stumbling Stone
Laid 25.09.2019 at Salzburg, Fürbergstraße 36

<p>HIER WOHNTE<br />
JG. 1930<br />
DEPORTIERT 10. 12. 1940<br />
ERMORDET 1940</p>
Photo: Gert Kerschbaumer Photo: Gert Kerschbaumer

All stumbling stones at Fürbergstraße 36